Current News

 Do., 07. Dez. 2023   Plattfaut, Ralf

How do Organizations react to Unintended Affordances?

Carolin Vollenberg presents our joint research paper on unintended affordances, workarounds, and deviant behavior at the International Conference on Information Systems in India.

 Do., 30. Nov. 2023   Plattfaut, Ralf

Working Student process digitalization at Alloheim

Alloheim Seniorenresidenzen SE is looking for a working student to support digitalizing finance and accounting processes.

 Mi., 22. Nov. 2023   Plattfaut, Ralf

New research project Process Mining at Utilities (ProMatU)

Today we had a successful kick-off of our joint research project Process Mining at Utilities (ProMatU).

 Mo., 03. Juli 2023   Plattfaut, Ralf

New paper published

Digital Transformation through the Appropriation of IIoT and AI – A Case Study of an Established Family-Owned Enterprise published in the ICIS proceedings.

 Sa., 01. Juli 2023   Plattfaut, Ralf

New Website online

We have published our new website. If you find any errors, send us a short message.

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