Sat, 01. Jul 2023 Plattfaut, Ralf
New Website online
We have published our new website. If you find any errors, send us a short message.
Latest News:
- "From the life of an Agile Coach" - Guest Lecture21.01.25
- Ralf Plattfaut honored as one of the strongest management researchers under 4023.12.24
- We are hiring! Student assistants for our group starting as soon as possible12.12.24
- "From the life of an Agile Coach" - Invitation to the Guest Lecture 02.12.24
- New Paper Published: Impulses from the RPA Panel at BPM 202314.11.24
- New paper published: Decolonizing IT governance in international non-governmental organisations19.06.24
- Talk at the items-Forum 202416.05.24
- New paper published: Structural power imbalances in global organisations08.03.24
- New paper published: Teleworking antecedents: an exploration into availability bias as an impediment 18.01.24
- Happy New Year 202401.01.24