Executive Education

We are engaged in executive education to help executive, business leaders, and managers succeed in their careers.
Our executive education efforts are based on two pillars: We teach within several executive education programs (mainly on MBA level) and we create customized in-house teaching programs fitting the need of specific organizations.
Executive Education Programs
Executive Master of Business Administration at the Siegen University (Universität Siegen Business School)
- The EMBA at Siegen University is focused on leaders within medium-sized enterprises mainly from the South-Westphalia region in Germany. Ralf Plattfaut teaches a 2.5-day course on Digital Transformation within the EMBA. You can get more information here (https://www.mba-suedwestfalen.de)
International Management & Information Systems (Online) at the South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences
- IMIS Online is an online Master’s degree program focused on international and German future leaders. Ralf Plattfaut teaches a module on Information Management. You can get more information here (https://www.fh-swf.de/de/studienangebot/studiengaenge/_international_management___information_systems___online_m_a_/index.php).
Virtueller Weiterbildungsstudiengang Wirtschaftsinformatik (VAWi) at the Universities of Bamberg and Duisburg-Essen
- VAWi is a part-time Master's degree in Business Information Systems offered jointly by the Universities of Bamberg and Duisburg-Essen as a distance learning program. Ralf Plattfaut teaches modules on process analysis and process automation with artificial intelligence. You can find more information here (https://www.vawi.de/).
Customized In-House Teaching Programs
We have conducted customized in-house teaching programs on the following areas:
- Digital Transformation
- Digital Business Process Management
- Process Automation
- Project Management
- Agile Project Management
- Agile Transformation
As an example, we have designed a program on digital transformation with a German service company. In this program, we covered areas of digital process management, project management, agile project management, etc. To this end, we met in six different sessions of 4-5 hours over the course of several weeks. We conducted the training multiple times in the last years. Overall, 100 future leaders of the company participated in the program.
If you are interested in a customized in-house teaching program, please contact us.